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Date(s) - Apr/09/2022
9:00 am - 11:00 am

The quarterly Pipe and North Pipe Lake District Commission meeting will be held on line using Zoom.  If you are interested in taking part in this meeting, please contact Jan Breyer for information regarding how to join this meeting.

Pipe & North Pipe Lakes Protection & Rehabilitation
9 am April 9, 2022 via Zoom
Call to Order
Review & Approval of Draft Minutes of 1/15/22 Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Healthy Lakes Program 2022 – DNR Approved
Landing Monitor Update & North Beach Discussion for
2022 Summer Season
Residential Map Update for Pipe & North Pipe
Pipe & North Pipe Lake Water Quality Review
& Possible Next Steps
Progress Report – Algae Reduction Initiative in North Pipe
Public Comment